Yaalee Guudaangee Tlaats'gaa
Brendan Williams
Brendan was born and raised in Masset, BC but decided to move to Vancouver
after graduation in 2009 to acquire higher education and work experience. His grandparents are Lily and Freeman bell on his mother's side and Robert "Stibby" Williams and Dawn Helmer on his dad's side. He belongs to the Kyaanuusaalii clan and was gifted the Haida name "Yaalee Guudaangee Tlaats'gaa" which translates to "Strong Minded Raven". His journey in the Mental Health and Addictions field began 10+ years ago volunteering with disadvantaged youth through basketball and youth mentorship in the East Vancouver region. After years of volunteer work, he decided to pursue a career in Mental Health and Addictions.
In 2018, Brendan was accepted into the Indigenous Youth Internship Program for a year long internship with the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions in the sector of Indigenous Wellness and Partnerships as a Junior Policy Analyst. Following his internship in Victoria, he moved back to Vancouver and worked with a few indigenous organizations gaining more experience and knowledge. Most recently the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society where he spent close to two years as their Homeless Outreach Worker before moving home and acquiring a position with our organization Nislaa Naay Healing House Society as our Community Outreach Worker.